PR and Internet Traffick

How Have Historic PR Practices Improved Internet Marketing?

Historic public relations practices were all centered on one particular model: to attract people to their brick and mortar store so that they’ll purchase products and thus turn a profit. This model worked for decades until the dawn of the internet age. This drastically changed the way companies had to view marketing and advertising almost overnight. Luckily, many online marketing techniques have taken the best aspects of traditional PR practices and put their own spin on them to best meet their specific needs. First, the underlying principle has not changed. The biggest goal of any marketing or advertising campaign is the same:

“Create the best possible customer experience so that they are more likely to purchase a product from the business!”

This is perhaps even more imperative for online websites as it is estimated that consumers will decide whether or not they like a website enough to buy something from them in less than one minute from their first contact with the website. This means ensuring that your website has the quickest loading time possible, is easy to navigate, and is full of engaging and interesting content. Second, while brick and mortar stores rely on eye-catching advertisements and the use of buzz words both on television and in print, online retailers rely more on search engine optimization, known simply as SEO, to bring as much internet traffic to their site. By sprinkling highly searched keywords and phrases throughout the content of a website, search engines will pick this up and rank websites higher that match this search criterion. This is because search engines are designed to match users with the best possible website for their needs so that users continue to use that search engine.

Think about how often you ever go to the second page of a search engine?

If your website does not appear as one of the top five search results like Tyler Robison does, then the odds of getting people to visit it and make a purchase are quite low. Finally, the internet age has created a market that has thousands of similar products available while there only may have been a few dozens available in the past. This means that marketing teams must be even more effective with their campaigns or else they will miss out on a sale to another competitor who better capitalized on the customer’s needs. The world of marketing is changing each and every day. As more and more of our shopping is conducted online then so will our marketing tactics have to adapt to this shift. While digital marketing will have some inherent difference, they will continue to pull out some of the oldest tricks in the book derived exclusively from traditional PR practices.